We are 90% visual beings
Around 100 thousand billion images circulate on Facebook (77% of the total shared content on Facebook) and 6 thousand billion in Flickr. The image is, without doubt, the preferred content by users.
Whether you are 5,000 miles or 5 feet away, RitchViewer lets you share stories and explore insights through animation and visualisation. This is not just a presentation of fixed data and fixed visuals, this is what RitchViewer calls collaboration. Through story telling RitchViewer allows you to cultivate a shared experience and for business this means shared productivity.
Changing Behaviour Inside Enterprises
“Managers make better decisions when key data are presented visually”
Thomas H. Davenport a visiting professor at Harvard Business School, the President’s Distinguished Professor of IT and Management at Babson College, and a research fellow at the MIT Center for Digital Business
Our understanding of all kinds of information is shaped by our physical interaction with that information. Co-authoring has its place in organisations, but the majority of projects are worked on separately with a team coming together to share or explore insights. RitchViewer's unique characteristics of embracing modern day social communication's instant gratification and allowing teams to walk together through data in real-time opens the doors to greater working collaboration.
- You no longer need to prepare slide decks to explain what the data is telling you
- You no longer need to be locked into fixed charts for explaining data
Just point, click, share, discuss, evaluate, explore - as a team.
As you go through the rest of the features, think about how you can use these unique features to share your productivity and creativity.
Fast Fact:
RitchViewer is developing tools that allow you to share you insight without the source data.
In the same way you might share a Google slide presentation, these new tools will allow you to share visual output but with the difference that you have the dynamics to focus conversation on data key to the story needed for working together.